UMT CGPA Calculator

Welcome to the UMT CGPA Calculator!

Designed exclusively for the University of Management and Technology students, this platform offers a quick, easy, and accurate way to calculate your CGPA. No more manual computations or errors—just input your grades, and we’ll do the rest!

UMT Grade Point Average (GPA)

Credit HoursGradeGrade Points
Total Credit in a semester:
Semester Grade Point Average(SGPA):
Total Grade Point in a semester:

UMT Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Note: To calculate the CGPA, Make sure you should calculate GPA at lest for one subject

Total # of Credit Hours have you studied other than current semester.
Total # of Grade Points have you got other than current semester.

Why Use the UMT CGPA Calculator?

  1. Accuracy: Our calculator is based on the University of Management and Technology’s grading system, ensuring precise results every time.
  2. Easy to Use: With a simple and intuitive interface, you can calculate your CGPA in just a few clicks.
  3. Stay Informed: Regularly monitoring your CGPA can help you set academic goals, identify areas that need improvement, and ensure you remain on track.


  1. User-Friendly Interface: Our calculator is straightforward, making it simple even for first-time users.
  2. Real-time Calculation: As you enter your grades, watch your CGPA update instantly.
  3. Support for all UMT Grading Scales: No matter your course or department, we’ve got you covered.
  4. Historical Record Keeping: Save your results for future reference or to track your academic progress.
  5. Mobile Responsive: Access our calculator on-the-go, whether on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

How to Use:

  1. Select Your Course: Start by picking your specific course or department to ensure the grading scale aligns.
  2. Enter Your Grades: Input the grades for each of your subjects.
  3. Specify Credit Hours: For each subject, mention the associated credit hours.
  4. Hit Calculate: Once all your grades are entered, click on “Calculate,” and your CGPA will be displayed instantly.
  5. Save & Review: You can save your results for future reference or make changes as you receive more grades.

Tips to Improve Your CGPA

  1. Consistent Study: Regularly reviewing course materials will reinforce your understanding and reduce last-minute cramming.
  2. Seek Help: If you’re struggling in a particular subject, don’t hesitate to approach your professors or classmates.
  3. Time Management: Allocate specific times for study, rest, and recreation to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
  4. Stay Healthy: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can greatly influence your academic performance.


How is the CGPA calculated?

The CGPA is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total credit hours attempted.

Is my data safe and private?

Absolutely! We prioritize user privacy. Your grades and data are never stored on our servers.

I made an error in inputting my grades. How do I correct it?

Simply edit the particular grade field and recalculate. It’s that easy!