How to Convert CGPA into Percentage Out of 4

Converting a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to a percentage is a common requirement for students and professionals, especially when moving between educational systems or applying for jobs internationally.

While the process might seem straightforward, there are nuances to be considered. In this post, we’ll provide a step-by-step breakdown on how to convert your CGPA into a percentage, specifically when the scale is out of 4.

1. Understanding the CGPA System

Before we jump into the conversion, it’s essential to grasp what CGPA means. CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average, and it’s a measure of a student’s academic performance. It represents the average of Grade Points obtained in all subjects, excluding the additional subjects.

For many educational systems, the CGPA is on a scale of 4, with 4.0 being the highest achievable score. Typically, the scale is broken down as follows:

  • 4.0 – Excellent/A+
  • 3.0 – Good/B
  • 2.0 – Average/C
  • 1.0 – Below Average/D

2. The Simple Conversion Formula

The basic formula to convert CGPA (when the scale is out of 4) into percentage is:

Percentage = CGPA x 25

For instance, if you have a CGPA of 3.6 out of 4, then:

Percentage = 3.6 x 25 = 90%

However, this simple conversion might not be universally accurate. Always check with your institution or the body you’re reporting to, as conversion norms can differ.

3. Factors to Consider

  • Institutional Policies: Different institutions might have their own unique conversion scales. Always refer to your specific college or university’s guidelines before converting.
  • Purpose of Conversion: Why are you converting your CGPA to a percentage? If it’s for further studies, make sure the receiving institution or body accepts your conversion method.
  • Rounded Figures: While the above formula gives a direct conversion, rounding off numbers can affect the final percentage. Always be clear about how you’re rounding numbers.

4. When a Straight Conversion Doesn’t Work

In certain contexts, a straight conversion from CGPA to percentage may not give an accurate representation of your academic performance. For instance, if you’re applying to an institution or job in a country where the grading system is vastly different, they might have their own standardized method for conversion.

5. Frequently Asked Questions

Is a CGPA of 3.5 good?

Depending on the context, a CGPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale is typically considered between good to excellent. However, definitions of ‘good’ can vary based on the course, institution, or country.

Can I use the simple conversion formula for all my applications?

Not necessarily. Always cross-check with the specific requirements of wherever you’re submitting your grades.

Closing Thoughts

Converting your CGPA to a percentage can be an essential step in accurately representing your academic achievements, especially when transitioning between different educational systems. By following the guidelines mentioned above and being mindful of specific institutional policies, you can ensure that your conversion is as accurate and representative as possible.


  1. University Grading Systems – World Education Services
  2. International Grade Conversion – Scholaro

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