How to Calculate CGPA from Marks – A Comprehensive Guide

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of calculating Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) from your academic marks.

Whether you’re a student at Anna University, IIT Roorkee, or any other institution, understanding CGPA calculation is crucial for tracking your academic progress.

What is CGPA and Why is it Important?

Before diving into the calculation process, let’s clarify what CGPA is and why it holds such significance in the world of education. CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is a standardized method for assessing a student’s overall academic performance.

It provides a numerical representation of your grades, making it easier to evaluate your progress throughout your academic journey.

Grading System Overview

In India, and specifically at universities like Anna University and IIT Roorkee, the grading system is commonly used. It assigns letter grades to your performance in each course, such as A, B, C, D, and F. These grades are associated with grade points, with A typically being the highest and F the lowest.

How is CGPA Calculated?

In Pakistan, the CGPA calculation process may vary slightly due to specific grading systems used here. If you’re interested in understanding the conversion from GPA to CGPA, you can refer to our article on How to Calculate CGPA from GPA.

Now, let’s get into the heart of the matter—how to calculate CGPA from your marks. It’s a straightforward process, but it’s essential to grasp the steps:

  1. Determine Grade Points: Start by assigning grade points to your letter grades based on the grading scale provided by your university.
  2. Calculate Weighted Average: For each course, multiply the grade points by the course credits (or units) to find the weighted grade points.
  3. Sum the Weighted Grade Points: Add up all the weighted grade points for all your courses in a specific academic term or year.
  4. Sum the Credits: Calculate the total credits for the same term or year.
  5. Calculate CGPA: Divide the sum of weighted grade points by the total credits. Voilà! You have your CGPA.

Let’s break it down further with an example:

Suppose you are studying at Anna University, and you have completed three courses in a semester:

  • Course 1 (3 credits): A grade (4 grade points)
  • Course 2 (2 credits): B grade (3 grade points)
  • Course 3 (4 credits): C grade (2 grade points)

Now, applying the formula:

CGPA = (3×4 + 2×3 + 4×2) / (3 + 2 + 4) = (12 + 6 + 8) / 9 = 26 / 9 ≈ 2.89

Your CGPA for that semester is approximately 2.89.

University-Specific Considerations

Each university may have slight variations in its grading system and CGPA calculation. For example, Visvesvaraya Technological University and the University of Mumbai might have specific rules or scales.

Always consult your university’s official guidelines for the most accurate calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I calculate CGPA for a specific academic year?

Yes, you can calculate CGPA for a specific term, year, or your entire academic journey, depending on your needs.

What if I have grades with “+” or “-” symbols?

Many universities assign grade points to these symbols (e.g., A+ = 4.3, A- = 3.7). Use the appropriate grade point for accurate calculation.

How can I improve my CGPA?

To improve your CGPA, focus on improving your grades in individual courses and managing your course load effectively.


Calculating CGPA from marks is a fundamental aspect of your academic life. Whether you’re pursuing a Bachelor of Technology degree or studying as an international student, understanding CGPA is vital. Remember that accurate calculations can help you track your progress and set academic goals.

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